Koh Shhhhhhhh

3:37 AM

Ryan has a break in classes so we're running away to a remote island that I won't name so the power of the Internet doesn't ruin it. Maybe I'll turn you off of it by telling you the only room that is within our budget is our worst room to date. We call it "camping with air conditioning." Amenities include: sink that immediately throws its contents onto the floor so you might as well just spit on the floor, four foot hole in the wall that's covered with a board that's held in place at the corners with duct tape, other duct tape covered holes which haven't deterred the mice chewing holes in them, mini ants galore, water that sometimes runs and sometimes doesn't, wifi area is located under the blistering sun, and the remote area means the motorbike rentals are expensive.

Aside from that, we're practically by ourselves, on the prettiest beach we've ever seen with water so clear it seems strange you can't drink it. It's a postcard view in every direction. It was a week of morning workouts and swimming, really basic Thai food, beach hopping, and amazing sunsets with great beach dogs. 
Our beach dog Sandy was a cold-hearted killer. He would dig out sand crabs and play with them until they were dead, then go dig up another. Every property here has a pack of dogs associated with it which can get a little scary walking at night to try and play with the rumored bioluminescent plankton.
Our go to restaurant within walking distance with kind people and good food and lots to look at. 
This is our incredibly fat house monkey Mulan. She bares her teeth at women but loves men because she eats their body hair. If Ryan passes her without petting her, she clasps her hands together, rocks her body and makes a nibbling motion with her mouth while tilting her head from side to side. It looks like she's talking to you! 
Loose sand does not make for good motorbiking conditions. 
Clean up station for a really yummy Northern Thai food restaurant. 
One night it looked like a storm would strike at any minute and we had perfect front row seats. 
Until a man more dedicated to sunsets than I, claimed the spot right in front of us when there's no one else on the beach. Go figure. 
But he missed the rainbow sky finish. 

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